Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct For The Management/Board Of Directors

  • Always be kind and considerate to others.
  • Be respectful to all the sects of society.
  • Always prove equal employment opportunities to everybody regardless of the person’s gender, religion, caste, creed, language, place of origin or social and cultural background.
  • Discourage and punish any kind of harassment or any behaviour or language that is abusive, offensive or unwelcome.
  • Train and develop the people to be creative and empower them to take decisions.
  • Encourage involvement and teamwork among employees while promoting the representation of various employee viewpoints.
  • Ask staff members with various backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints for their opinions.
  • Avoid using idioms or lingo that might not be culturally appropriate.
  • Encourage flexible work schedules for co-workers with varying special needs, skills, or obligations.
  • Confront the decisions or behaviours of others that are based on conscious or unconscious biases.
  • Be open-minded and listen when given constructive feedback regarding others' perceptions of your conduct.
  • Set an example of honesty and integrity, and use only honourable behaviour to accomplish organisational goals.
  • Create an open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable to speak up.
  • Promptly address ethical questions or concerns raised by employees and take the appropriate steps to deal with such issues.
  • Create policies in line with the state and central laws laid by the government.
  • Do not use company information for personal gain.
  • Always disclose to the other members of the management and board, all material, financial and commercial transactions, conducted by you.
  • Protect confidential information (similar confidential information received from third parties) and proprietary information of the company and introduce regular effective checks for this purpose.
  • Use company assets only for legitimate business purposes and not for personal use.

Code Of Conduct For Principal/Director

Adhere strictly to the laws and regulations of the college. Respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration. Maintain honesty, integrity, fairness in all activities and the general public.

Code Of Conduct For Teachers

The institute being quality conscious and tries to keep the pace with professional development, own code of conduct for the teachers has been prescribed as given below

Teacher and College:

  • Be punctual and regular in teaching work, correspondence with others and keeping appointments with other persons.
  • Cooperate with the head of the Institute/Department and colleagues for curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
  • All Teachers must be punctual, sincere and regular in their approach and devote their time and their best efforts for the progress of the Institute
  • Teacher efforts should be dedicated towards enhancing the overall quality of the education
  • The teacher should regularly update his/her knowledge by attending FDPs and STTPs and keep pace with the advent of technology
  • The teacher should engage in research and development activities by working on research projects
  • The teacher should increase the use of ICT tools to enrich the teaching –learning process
  • The teacher should interact with industries with an aim to intensify industry institute interaction

Teachers and Students

  • Aid students to develop an understanding and appreciation towards opportunities and also responsibilities.
  • Acquaint students with civic responsibilities and environmental protection.
  • Guide the students in their physical, social, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual development.

Teacher and Parents

  • Deal justly and impartially regardless of parents’ social, economical, regional and religious background.
  • Provide information regularly to parents regarding the attainments and shortfalls of the wards.
  • Be responsible and interact positively with parents.

Teacher and Colleagues

  • Guide and help junior colleagues and those in training and induction in all possible ways.
  • Avoid making derogatory statements about colleagues.
  • Treat the colleagues with equality and respect.

Teacher and Teaching Profession

  • Accept as a professional the individual responsibility of reporting to the concerned authorities in an appropriate manner all matters that are considered to be prejudicial to the interests of the students and the development of the institute.
  • No teacher should involve himself or herself in any form of political activity inside or outside the campus.
  • Finding of his/her research should be published in quality journals recognized by Scopus/Web of Science Index International / Indian Journals, Magazines and Periodicals.

Teacher and Society/ Nation

  • Behave in the society by preserving moral and ethical values
  • Should not engage in any act that will spoil the image of the teaching profession and the institute
  • Render possible assistance to the development of the Society and use knowledge and skill for enhancement of human welfare.

Teacher and Professional Organizations

  • Maintain active membership in professional organizations through active participations and strive hard to attain the objectives and goals of such organizations.

Code Of Conduct For Non Teaching Staffs

  1. Every staff employed in the Institute shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations. It shall be mandatory on the staff employed to do work in connection with an examination conducted by the University or Institute.
  2. No staff shall remain absent from his/her duties without prior permission. In case of valid reasons he/she should follow the rules of the institute related to attendance and leaves.
  3. The staff should create and maintain strong relationships with students and faculty by proper interaction, cooperation, and maintaining professional boundaries.
  4. The staff should treat the students with care and kindness, and maintain their dignity.
  5. It is the responsibility of every staff to meet the required standards for every assigned task.
  6. The staff must abide by the requirements of maintaining confidentiality related to important work and information of the Institute.
  7. The staff should take care and protect the equipment and property of the Institute, in general, assigned to him/her.
  8. No staff shall engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business without prior permission from authorities.
  9. Before accepting any honorary work, which does not hamper the regular duties, a written permission from the Principal should be obtained by the concerned staff.
  10. In case, any staff gets involved in any legal proceeding, he/she shall inform about the same to the Principal.
  11. The staff shall not associate with any political party or any organization which takes part in politics or shall subscribe to, or assist in any other manner, any political movement.
  12. No staff shall engage or participate in any activity which is anti-secular or which tends to create disharmony in the society.

Code Of Conduct For Students

  1. All students admitted to the Institute are subject to the discipline and control of the Institute authorities. The students are required to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations that may be framed from time to time by the Institute authorities.
  2. Proper observance of Institute’s discipline, good conduct and participation in Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Extracurricular activities are important for successful graduation and bright future of the students.
  3. Students must be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all other activities of the Institute. It must be ensured that the students maintain at least the minimum attendance as specified by the University norms. Further, it is imperative that the students strictly adhere to reporting on the day of commencement and end of each semester.
  4. Each student must wear Institute uniform on the days as instructed by the Institute. Students shall come to the campus clean, tidy and neatly dressed.
  5. Students must carry his/her identity card while in the campus and also outside the campus while representing the Institute
  6. Students should read the notices put on the notice board of Institute, department and office regularly. Also, Students must check the emails sent by the Institute daily as all the important notices from the office/exam section are sent on Institute e-mail.
  7. A student must take prior written permission of Teacher Guardian, Class Teacher and the HOD in case he/ she is unable to attend the lectures and/or practical’s for more than a week.
  8. Students should help to maintain the campus clean, tidy and plastic free. Also, students should take care of the flora and fauna in the campus.
  9. Students are not supposed to bring their vehicles inside the campus and help in keeping the campus pollution free.
  10. The conduct of the students inside and outside the campus should be such that it will raise their own image and image of the Institute in the society.
  11. The students must not participate in any antisocial activity. If any objectionable conduct within or outside the premises of the Institute by the student is observed or reported, then he/she is liable for strict disciplinary action.
  12. No notice of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the notice-board without the previous written approval from the Principal.
  13. According to the verdict of the Supreme Court and the University Act. 1956-Regulation 26(1)g-2009, the students found guilty of ragging are liable for punishment.
  14. The College reserves the right to delete, to add or amend the rules & regulations given above as and when deems necessary.

The Following Acts Shall Constitute Misconduct.

  1. Physical assault or threat, against any member of the campus.
  2. Carrying of, use of or threat to use any weapons.
  3. Violation of the status, dignity and honour of a student belonging to the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and/or any religion.
  4. Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women.
  5. Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal ground.
  6. Disrupting any teaching, study, assessment or research activities or the administration of the institute.
  7. Obstructing officer or employee of the Institute in the performance of his or her duties.
  8. Damaging or wrongfully dealing with any property under the control of the Institute; any property on Institute premises; or property on a location where a student is present under the auspices of the Institute.
  9. Disobeying or failing, without reasonable cause, to observe any provision of the Bye-Laws, or any rule made by PCI/AICTE/DTE/University/ Institute of which students have been duly notified.
  10. Withholding relevant information or furnishing false or misleading information for purposes connected with academic progression.
  11. Misuse of social media for spreading/forwarding contents that are objectionable by Laws.
  12. Indulging in any antisocial activity.

Code Of Conduct For Parents

  1. A code of conduct is prescribed for the students explicitly. Parents are supposed to go through the same and ensure that the students follow the code of conduct scrupulously.
  2. It is imperative that the students attend all the academic and related activities at the Institute from the day of opening to the last day of each semester during the academic year. Parents should ensure that the students maintain attendance as per University norms.
  3. Parents should note that the students must do timely and proper submission of the internal assessment activities else his/her term will not be granted.
  4. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct by any student, within or outside the premises of the Institute, will make him / her liable for strict disciplinary action.
  5. Parents should ensure the well behaviour of the students so as to enhance their own image as well as reputation of the Institute.
  6. Any direct/indirect involvement or encouragement by your ward leading to ragging or related activity may result in expelling the student from the institute.
  7. Parents should take follow up with Teacher Guardian (TG)/Class Teacher/HOD regarding academic and overall progress of their ward.
  8. Parents are obliged to attend the Parents-Teacher meetings organized by the department/Institute for observing progress of their wards and discussing the difficulties, if any.
  9. Parents should ensure that their wards follow the rules and regulations of the Training &
  10. Placement Cell and participate in placement activities as per the eligibility.
  11. Parents should take approval from authorities of the Institutes while sharing any information about the Institute with the outside bodies.
  12. Parents should ensure that their wards do not remain absent without prior permission of the HOD/Class Teacher.

Code Of Conduct For Alumni

The alumni should,

  1. have open communication with the fellow alumni, students, faculty, and staff of the Institute.
  2. support the current students of the Institute for their progression.
  3. engage guest lectures at the Institute to disseminate their knowledge related to industrial practices, advanced technologies, innovations, entrepreneurship, and soft skills.
  4. contribute towards the growth of the alumni association and also strengthen the bond with the Institute to build a cohesive team
  5. keep the Institute informed about their own growth, success, and laurels. And acknowledge the Institute in relevant achievements/growth.
  6. support the institute in organizing different academic and other activities.
  7. promote collaboration for partnerships with the Institute to advance its mission.
  8. share their own information and the information of other alumni within the guidelines of the Alumni Association. Information should never be used for marketing any product or service.
  9. avoid conduct which would jeopardize the Institute and the Alumni Association.