
Plagiarism Checking Service

The APJ ABDUL KALAM Library has provided the facility to check plagiarism using software like “TURNITIN” (Supported by Lucknow Public college of Pharmacy). It is implemented at Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies, then the LPCPS library has been given the services to Lucknow Public College of Pahrmacy.

Here are the following points to access the plagiarism checker:

  1. The software helps to check the possible plagiarism in a document and generates a report showing the similarities with other documents.
  2. The Library handles plagiarism verification for PhD thesis, project papers and assignments presented for conference/workshop abstract and research paper through Turnitin software. The students, faculty and staff members need to submit the request letter endorsed by the respective supervisor and principal.
  3. The submission of the documents for plagiarism check should be emailed to

To check plagiarism Click Here