About Library
The APJ ABDUL KALAM Library is designed to support the academic and research needs of students, faculty, and staff in the field of pharmacy. We provide access to a range of print and electronic resources, including text- books, journals, databases, and other reference materials. The Library is located on the top floor of the main campus. The library area is 2025.4Sqf (188.17Sqm.). This library has a seating capacity of approximately 60 students. There are 1505 bar-coded books, 10 computers with Wi-Fi facilities in the Library.
This Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). KOHA, based on cloud service which gives a user-friendly interface for searching resources in the library, along with its positions and availability Status. This has Web-OPAC for providing remote access to its students, faculties and other staff members.
Name of the ILMS Software
Nature of automation
Year of automation
KOHA is Multilingual, Multiuser and multitasking software, which not to effectively manage a library but also helps in reducing the overhead cost.
Lucknow Public College of Pharmacy is used for following:-
1) Patron Section- Create new patron- Patron permissions are used to allow staff member’s access to the staff client.
2) Cataloging Section (Add MARC record) – Information about books
3) Circulation Section– Counter Services – It is a service point meant for issue and return of books.
4) Transaction Report Section- Issue & Return – Course wise transaction of issued & returned books with specific date.
5) KOHA OPAC faculties (Tag cloud services) - OPAC Id has been given to all students, faculties & staff members.
Student Teachers & Staff Membership Entries
Books Entries
Books Issue & Returns
Dues Collection
View the Reports
Library is automated with KOHA software version 19.11 and it is implemented from the academic year 2020-21 at Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies, then the LPCPS library has been upgraded to partial automation by KOHA web OPAC. It has been done from the academic year 2020-2021 to make all the library operations smart and computerized and, now we provide the same services to Lucknow Public College of Pharmacy.
Nature of Automation: Fully Automated:-
Version: 19.11
Academic Year
Name of ILMS
Nature of Automation
Our Library is committed to fostering a supporting learning environment for all users, and we encourage students, faculty, and researchers to take advantage of researches and services available to them.
Salient Features of the Library
- The APJ ABDUL KALAM library has been established in the year of 2022. Currently there are 1505 books in our library.
- Library has a convenient spacious reading area with 60 seating capacity.
- Wi-Fi connectivity available 24/7.
- 10 Computers are provided to assess the e-resources.
- Our Library is fully automated with handling words, complete computerizationof all operations.
- The database of library books is available on OPAC for bibliographical search. OPAC is searchable on library LAN.
- Separate sections - ‘Like book section ‘Reference section, Textbook section, Magazine and Newspaper, and Digital library are available.
- Book issue and return is carried out with the help of a barcode system.
Library Rules
- Visiting hours for the library is 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM in summers and 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM in winters.
- Lunch hours of the library are between 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM.
- Students are not allowed in the library during lunch hours.
- Entry is prohibited in the library without a library card.
- Books have to be returned on the next day of the yearly/semester examination or as per the date given by the college otherwise the fine of ₹ 10 per day will be charged.
- In case students are not able to return the books on time due to any emergency then inform this to your class teacher or coordinator of the college.
- Reference & Text Books will be issued for 10 days only. Only two books will be issued at a time. Books can be re-issued after 10 days.
- Library books are given for 10 days. After the due date a fine will be charged daily 10 ₹. Always take the receipt of the fine that you are paying.
- If the books are tore / mutilated / damaged / pages found missing or any scribbling/marking/drawing/notes are written in the books either with pen or pencil or nay spot of the tea / coffee / shake / pickle / vegetable / oil or anything else is found in the book, then fine will be charged from you which will be equal to the price of the books or you have to get the same book of the same subject, publication & author as replacement.
- If it is a holiday on the day of returning the book then it will be returned on the immediate next working day without any fine. After that day, the fine will be applicable.
- Argument with the librarian in any case is prohibited.
- In case of any issue in the library, contact your class teacher, to take their help to get it resolved.
- Always put cover on your books with the brown sheet at the time of issue of books, so that it remains clean and fresh for the whole Year/semester.
- Books lost or torn will be compensated by a new book or the cost of the book has to be paid by the concerned person.
- Without library card books will not be issued.
- If the issued card is lost then a new library card will be issued, only after paying a fine as per the college rule.
- Students are supposed to make entries in the library visiting register before entering and leaving the library.
- Students are allowed to access the library only in their free period or allotted period.
- Boys and Girls are instructed to sit on their respective sides of the seats.
- Use of mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the library, anyone found using the same will be liable for punishment(phone will be retained by the college for at least 48 hours)
- You are not supposed to carry the bag inside the library.
- Do not carry any valuable items in the library. The library is not responsible for any loss of valuable items.
- If students found talking or disturbing in the library will be debarred from the library for the entire day.
- If any student found in the library during the class will be suspended from the college.
- Students are not allowed to eat lunch or snacks in the library.
- Students not abiding by the library rules and regulations otherwise students will be debarred from the library and suitable disciplinary action will be taken against them.
- Damage and lost books shall not be given new Accession No.
- New arrivals in stock are given new identification no.
- In case of any grievance in the library, students can contact the library committee.
Rules and Instructions for Book Bank Books
- The books will be issued to the student only, but returns can be through anyone,
- Students are responsible for checking the books (neat, tidy and not marked with pen or pencil) at the time of issuing the books from the book bank. If found any shortcoming contact the librarian immediately.
- All the students must ensure returning the entire set of books provided to them within 1 week/ date provided by library of completion of their Final Examination of the concerned semester/ year.If the student does not return the books within a week after the exam, then he will have to pay a late fine.
- If any student fails to return the books within the due date. (As stated above), then he/ she will be charged fine by the authorities.
- Loss/ damage/disfiguring/tearing of pages of library books, twice the prevailing cost of the book (as replacement cost) will be charged in case of non – replacement fines till the date of replacement books / submission of books replacement cost will be applicable,barring few exception *
- Defaulters, in case of delay of in the permissible period shall not be issued any publication till they clear the past account dues of the library.
Fine Statement
Paid fine
After Due date within one week
10 Rs.Per day
Between 8 to 15
125.00 Rs.
Between 16 to 90
250,00 Rs.
Between 90 to 180
1000.00 Rs.
After 181 days
1500.00 Rs.
- Principal, Librarian, & Library Coordinator fine till reporting date (in writing) will be applicable.
- Anyone who violates the rules & regulation of the library would be liable to lose the Privilege & library membership.
Library Receives English Paper
Library Receives Hindi Paper
Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times
Amar Ujala
Rastriya Sahara
Library Receives English Magazine
Library Receives Hindi Magazine
Science Refresher
Science Reporter
Reader Digest
Current Affairs
Current Affairs
India Today
India Today
The Indian Pharmacist
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology
The Journal of Psychopharmacology
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Research
- Students must present a library card before entering the library.
- Before leaving the library computer users must close all programs positively and keep the desktop blank.
- Internet facility is only for educational/ study purposes.
- Silence must be maintained in the library at all times.
- The library must be kept clean and tidy at all times.
- Library timing will be as per the academic time table of different classes.
- Each student or visitor must take mobile phones in “Switched Off” mode while entering and or working in the library.
- Please return issued books in time to avoid overdue charges.
- Users must turn-off the computer before leaving the library.
- Keep your passwords to yourself. Change your password right away if you think someone else may know it.
- Do leave the books on the table after reference work is completed.
- Every user must make an entry while entering the library and also at the time of exit from the library.